
夢田 (Dream Field)

夢田 (Dream Field)
曲:翁孝良 詞:三毛 導演:黃中平

當你在灰心失落 遺失了快樂的時候
When you're frustrated and down, the happy moments are lost
心裏面會不會 忽然有一首歌 神奇浮現
Will there be a song that appears in your heart miraculously
像一雙暖暖的手 搭住你的肩頭
Like a pair of warm hands on your shoulders

每個人心裏一畝 一畝田
There are fields in everyone's heart
每個人心裏一個 一個夢
Everyone has a dream in their heart
一顆啊一顆種子 是我心裏的一畝田
Every seed is a field in my heart

用它來種什麼 用它來種什麼
How should I use them How should I use them
種桃種李種春風 開盡梨花春又來
I can grow peach, plum and breeze
When pear flowers are full, spring comes
那是我心裏一畝 一畝田
That is the field in my heart
那是我心裏一個 不醒的夢
That is a dream unwaken in my heart

只看有了什麼 不想還少什麼
Just think about what you have, don't think about what you lacks
其實我們擁有很多 都很富有
In fact we own a lot, we are wealthy
讓心潔淨寬闊 種下愛 種下夢 總有一天會豐收
Clear you heart and plant love and dream
Someday you'll be able to harvest

用它來種什麼 用它來種什麼
How should I use them How should I use them
種桃種李種春風 開盡梨花春又來
I can grow peach, plum and breeze
When pear flowers are full, spring comes
那是我心裏一畝 一畝田
That is the field in my heart
那是我心裏一個 不醒的夢
That is a dream unwaken in my heart

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